Monday 12 January 2015

13 Energizing Verbs To Use More Often

In a few weeks, I'll post my review of the great new book, Anticipate, the Art of Leading by Looking Ahead, by Rob-Jan De Jong.

In the meantime, here are 13 energizing verbs the author recommends we use more often:

  • Discover (instead of See)
  • Explore (instead of Discuss)
  • Radiate (instead of Display)
  • Uncover (instead of Show)
  • Transform (instead of Change)
  • Engage (instead of Involve)
  • Mobilize (instead of Gather)
  • Stretch (instead of Develop)
  • Boost (instead of Increase)
  • Propel (instead of Move)
  • Deliver (instead of Give)
  • Grasp (instead of Understand)
  • Connect (instead of Join)
Great advice, indeed!

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