Sunday 2 November 2014

The 27 Challenges Managers Face

Take a look at the list below.  How many of these 27 management challenges are you facing right now? And, how many do you believe you'll face during the next year?

  1. Going from peer to leader
  2. Coming from the outside to take over leadership of an existing team
  3. Bringing together an entirely new team
  4. Welcoming a new member to your existing team
  5. Helping an employee who has a hard time managing time
  6. Assisting an employee who needs help with interpersonal communication
  7. Getting an employee more organized
  8. Helping an employee who needs to get better at problem solving
  9. Working with an employee who needs to increase productivity
  10. Helping an employee who needs to improve quality
  11. Managing an employee who knows more about the work than you do
  12. Showing an employee how to start "going the extra mile"
  13. Working with an employee who does "creative work"
  14. Helping an employee make an attitude adjustment
  15. Managing conflict between and among individuals on your team
  16. Dealing with an employee who has personal issues at home
  17. Keeping a superstar engaged
  18. Retaining a superstar
  19. Losing a superstar in the best way possible
  20. Developing a superstar into a new leader role
  21. Managing in an environment of constant change and uncertainty
  22. Managing under resource constraints
  23. Working through interdependency
  24. Working around logistical hurdles
  25. Managing across differences in language and culture
  26. Renewing your management relationship with a disengaged employee
  27. Renewing your own commitment to being a strong, highly engaged manager
If you selected one or more of these challenges, then Bruce Tulgan's new book, The 27 Challenges Managers Face, is the book to add to your "to read" list.

Because, Tulgan provides step-by-step solutions and practical advice for handling all 27 challenges listed above -- the 27 most common challenges identified by Tulgan during 20 years of workplace research.

Tulgan is also the founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking, Inc., a management research and training firm.

Tulgan is the author of, It's Okay to Be the Boss and Managing Generation X.

Thanks to Jossey-Bass for sending me a review copy of Tulgan's latest book.

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