Wednesday 26 November 2014

The 10 Things I Am Thankful For This Year

Each year, around Thanksgiving time, I think about what I am thankful for.  This year, I decided to once again take the time to make a list.  A list of 10 things I am thankful for.

What's on your list this year?  What's on your list this year that wasn't on last year's list?

Here is my list:
  • Family and friends
  • Employment, and a year of positive evolution for my workplace
  • Technology, Blogs, Twitter and all social media sharing tools that help me to be a constant learner
  • Health and all those who help me stay healthy and encourage me to reach my goals -- which included running 24 5K races (and my first-ever 10K) this year benefiting a variety of mostly Kansas City area nonprofits and charities
  • Setting business and personal goals and working hard to reach or exceed them
  • Good books (including ones the book club recommended)
  • Nonprofit organizations that provide vital services and ways for me to volunteer and donate
  • Music
  • The ability to travel for vacations
  • Readers, followers and guests of my Blog and of Twitter @ericjacobsonkc
Wow, I have a lot to be thankful for this year!

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