Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Five Key Interview Questions

If you are leading an organization and are the last person to interview a candidate, focus your questions more on trying to see if the person is a cultural fit. Here are a few questions to pose to potential new hires (from the book, Advisory Leadership:
  1. What motivates you?
  2. What are you passionate about? (Finding out what people are passionate about and why is a great window into someone's personality.)
  3. What are you telling your family/spouse about our company? (This question often takes candidates off guard and results in some often very honest answers.)
  4. What did you enjoy most/find most challenging in  your last position? (There are no right or wrong answers, necessarily. This question is a great assessment of the candidate, especially when considering certain roles.)
  5. What opportunities do you see for yourself here? 

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