Tuesday 31 March 2015

77 Instant-Action Ideas To Boost Sales And Crush Your Competition

"Delivering a great product or service but being terrible at marketing is the No. 1 reason for entrepreneurial failure," says author, marketing coach and consultant, David Newman.

So, as a small business owner or solopreneur you'll gobble up Neman's new book, DO IT! Marketing, where he cuts through the glut of marketing theories, myths and tasks. And, provides you 77 instant-action ideas to:

  • Boost Sales
  • Maximize Profits
  • Crush Your Competition

The book is packed with practical and proven strategies, tactics, templates and tools and lots of how-to lessons. Plus, it's just downright fun to read.

For example, you'll find sections on:

  • Your buyers are lazy, busy and befuddled
  • Zero in on your pain/gain factors
  • Chasing chum makes your a chump
  • Top 10 things salespeople do that buyers dislike
  • Market to people who are already listening
  • Diversify while still specializing

And, for those who don't know where to start when it comes to marketing will devour the 21-Day Launch Plan -- a playbook to define, organize, implement, and tack your marketing activities, tasks, and milestones. This day-by-day guide alone is well worth the price of the book.

The 21-Day-Plan also provides readers links to online videos, audios, downloads, and exactly what you'll need to hone your marketing message, and build-out your social media, e-mail marketing and website.

Thanks to AMACOM for sending me an advance copy of the book.

Monday 30 March 2015

Designing The Purposeful Organization

"The challenge for the organizational architect is to systematically create the blueprint for an organization that consciously connects everything to purpose," explains author  Clive Wilson, in his new book, Designing the Purposeful Organization. "The product of doing this are measurable results and, importantly, a felt sense of success.

Wilson's book is packed with case studies and activities that help you put to practice in your organization the learnings from the book.

Clive Wilson

One of the activities that I found most interesting and revealing is Wilson's "Where Did They All Go and Why?"
  • Think of the household names of just a decade or so ago that are no longer with us, write their names on a sheet of paper, then make brief notes on what happened to them and why. 
  • Then, ask yourself, to what extent was it to do with their purpose (eg a lack of purpose, an unclear purpose, an uninspiring purpose or purpose being somehow out of sync with stakeholder needs or the marketplace)?
My other favorite part of the book is the "10 Questions on Engagement," that all start out with, To what extent...
  1. ...does your organization facilitate opportunities for engagement within and between all stakeholder groups, so that they may share perspectives, learn and grow together in support of the organization's purpose?
  2. ...do people come together to examine the way things are done, criticize processes and behaviors with a view to evolving a shared best practice?
  3. ...is attention paid to establishing a positive culture for engagement, so that criticism is welcomed in a spirit of openness and shared learning without blaming or diminishing individuals?
  4. ...has the organization established the key skills for the engagement of those involved in its work and formed this into a curriculum of learning that is effectively tuned to its purpose?
  5. ...are there opportunities for people to come together at critical times, such as strategic changes, team forming and development, project alignment and problem solving?
  6. ...are learning programs and critical events systematically timetabled and well facilitated so that engagement is translated into commitments to action?
  7. ...when people make commitments to action do they then receive managerial support and coaching to ensure action is taken?
  8. ...is there systematic follow-up of commitments arising from group engagement to celebrate the gains made and to share associated learning?
  9. ...does the organization have suitable systems in place to store knowledge airings from engagement that also facilitates ongoing engagement with and evolution of the knowledge to keep it alive and effective?
  10. ...does the organization have a communications strategy that facilitates and supports engagement in alignment with the organization's purpose?
Thanks to the book's publisher for sending me an advance copy of the book.

Sunday 29 March 2015

The Reconnected Leader

Norman Pickavance

Norman Pickavance's new book, The Reconnected Leader, provides an eight-step model for implementing new practices to help leaders reconnect with their teams and reset the relationship the business has with its stakeholders.

Those eight steps are:

  1. Discovering the power of purpose
  2. Building reconnected boards
  3. Creating reconnected work environments
  4. Nurturing a spirit of shared enterprise
  5. Connecting with the wider world
  6. Creating deeper customer connections
  7. Inspiring connected innovators
  8. Creating a new model for your personal leadership

Pickavance explains that all the following factors facing leaders today are the reasons for learning how to reconnect:

  • struggles with ethical policies
  • disconnected boards
  • careerism
  • disposable workforce
  • big data
  • losing touch with customers

One of my favorite parts of the book is the one that outlines the five principles of a purpose-driven business:

  1. Does your organization have a purpose that delivers long-term sustainable performance?
  2. Is your business fair and honest with customers and suppliers?
  3. Are you a responsible and responsive employer?
  4. Are you a good citizen?
  5. Are you a guardian for future generations?
Thanks to the book's publisher's for sending me an advance copy of the book.

How To Give Praise To An Employee

Entrepreneur magazine's February 2012 issue offers these great tips on how to give praise:
  • Praise followed by criticism is not praise.
  • Praise followed by praise is probably a little too much praise.
  • Ending an expression of praise with "...and stuff" nullifies the praise.
  • Make it timely.  The closer the recognition is to the behavior, the more likely the behavior will be repeated.
  • Be sincere.  Be impromptu. 
  • Remember, a handwritten note is worth more than a gift card.
Having trouble writing your handwritten note of praise?  Try this template to get you started:
  • _______, I couldn't be more impressed with how you______.  Not only did you____, but you_______.  Beautiful.  Thanks, ________

Saturday 28 March 2015

How To Really Listen

Here are some great tips from Michelle Tillis Lederman's book, The 11 Laws of Likability.  They are all about:
  • what to do and what not to do to be a leader who's an effective listener:
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Limit your talking
  • Focus on the speaker
  • Ask questions
  • Manage your emotions
  • Listen with your eyes and ears
  • Listen for ideas and opportunities
  • Remain open to the conversation
  • Confirm understanding, paraphrase
  • Give nonverbal messages that you are listening (nod, smile)
  • Ignore distractions
  • Interrupt
  • Show signs of impatience
  • Judge or argue mentally
  • Multitask during a conversation
  • Project your ideas
  • Think about what to say next
  • Have expectations or preconceived ideas
  • Become defensive or assume you are being attacked
  • Use condescending, aggressive, or closed body language
  • Listen with biases or closed to new ideas
  • Jump to conclusions or finish someone's sentences

Friday 27 March 2015

Five Ways To Get More Ideas From Your Employees

Your employees have lots of ideas. So, be sure you provide the forums and mechanisms for your employees to share their ideas with you.

Hold at least a few brainstorming sessions each year, as well.
And, when you are brainstorming with your employees, try these five tips:
  1. Encourage ALL ideas.
  2. Don't evaluate or criticize ideas when they are first suggested.
  3. Ask for wild ideas. Often, the craziest ideas end up being the most useful.
  4. Shoot for quantity not quality during brainstorming.
  5. Encourage everyone to offer new combinations and improvements of old ideas.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

The Three Ways To Discuss Change With Your Employees

When you communicate change to your team, explain the logical and rational reasons for the change:

1. Explain how the change will make employees feel before, during and after the implementation.

2. Explain the tactical plan and goals.

3. Answer questions from your team.

Twenty-five Of My Favorite Leadership Quotes

All year during 2012, I collected my favorite quotes about leadership from Twitter. When the year ended, I published the list.

So, for today's leadership flashback, among the thousands of tweets and retweets on Twitter about leadership during 2012 these 25 were my favorites. A mix of advice from some unknown individuals along with many from leadership book authors and famous leadership experts, and a few from past U.S. presidents and current-day athletes.

Great leaders know the power of asking questions.

Lead with your heart, not just your head.

Learn to let go of fear and embrace the unknown.

People are much more impressed by your potential than by your track record.

Smart leaders use the power of stories whenever they have important messages to convey.

To be effective, leaders have to close the conversational gap with their employees.

One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency -- Arnold Glasow

Managers assert drive and control to get things done; leaders pause to discover new ways of being and achieving -- Kevin Cashman

It doesn't matter where you're coming from. All that matters is where you are going to -- Stephen Covey

Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance -- Samuel Johnson

Strength doesn't come from what we can do. It comes from overcoming what we once thought we couldn't -- Rikki Roberts

The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order -- Alfred North Whitehead

The most powerful predictable people builders are praise and encouragement -- Brian Tracy

Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon them and to let them know that and trust them -- Booker T. Washington

Ask because you want to know. Listen because you want to grow -- Mark Scharenbroich

If you want execution, hail only success. If you want creativity, hail risk, and remain neutral about success -- Marcus Buckingham

To get the best coaching outcomes, always have your 1-on-1's on your employee's turf not yours. In your office the truth hides -- Marcus Buckingham

The three common characteristics of best companies -- they care, they have fun, they have high performance expectations -- Brad Hams

The one thing that's common to all successful people: They make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don't like to do -- Michael Phelps

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit -- Harry S. Truman

The leader of the past was a person who knew how to tell. The leader of the future will be a person who knows how to ask -- Peter Drucker

Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Good leadership isn't about advancing yourself. It's about advancing your team -- John C. Maxell

People buy into the leader, then the vision -- John C. Maxell

Great leaders have courage, tenacity and patience -- Bill McBean

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Encourage Employees To Learn From Their Mistakes

Mistakes happen. The best thing you can do as a leader is to help your employee learn from his (or her) mistake.

If your employee is afraid of ever making a mistake, he will be paralyzed from taking action or taking even calculated risks. If he knows that mistakes happen in the course of doing business and that one learns from making mistakes, you will have a more productive employee.

Most important, be sure your employee knows that if he makes a mistake, he should let you know as soon as possible.

As soon as he does, quickly rectify the situation.

Then, discuss with him how the mistake happened. Find out what he did or didn't do. Ask him what he thinks he can do in the future to avoid the mistake from happening again. Chances are he has already figured this out. If not, teach him what he needs to do differently to avoid the mistake from reoccurring.

Finally, you may discover that the mistake happened because policies, procedures or your assignment instructions were confusing or unclear. Learn from that discovery and decide what you can do differently as the manager to help your employees avoid future mistakes.

Sunday 22 March 2015

How To Define Your Organization's Purpose

John Baldoni offers these tips in his book, Lead With Purpose, for how to define an organization's purpose. He suggests that you must ask three questions:
  1. What is our vision -- that is, what do we want to become?
  2. What is our mission -- that is, what do we do now?
  3. What are our values -- that is what are the behaviors we expect of ourselves?

Saturday 21 March 2015

Your First 100 Days As A New Leader Will Make Or Break You

There are seven major onboarding land mines that you are likely to come across as a new leader and there are specific points in the first 100 days where you are most likely to encounter them, explain authors:
  • George Brant
  • Jayme A. Check
  • Jorge Pedraza
in their new third edition of, The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan.

Ill-prepared, without a plan, and lacking proper onboarding, the land mines will get you. And, if you miss one or more of the critical tasks that must be accomplished in your first 100 days, you'll likely fail.

The book is packed with:
  • Examples and case studies
  • Action plans
  • Tools, techniques and tricks of the trade
The authors also explain why you need to start even before your official first day on the job. For example:
  • Cultural engagement is extremely important in a successful transition; and it is essential that you know what your cultural engagement plan will be before walking in the door for Day One.
  • A new leader's role begins as soon as you are an acknowledged candidate for the job. Everything you do and say and don't do and don't say will send powerful signals, starting well before you even walk in the door on Day One.
By Day 30 share with your team:
  • Mission -- Why here, why exist, what business are we in?
  • Vision -- Future picture - what we want to become; where we are going.
  • Values -- Believes and moral principles that guide attitudes, decisions, and actions.
  • Objectives -- Broadly defined, qualitative performance requirements.
  • Goals -- The quantitative measures of the objectives that define success.
  • Strategies -- Broad choices around how the team will achieve its objectives.
  • Plans -- The most important projects and initiatives that will bring each strategy to fruition.
By Day 60:
  • Over invest in early wins to build team confidence.
This must-read book for anyone in a new leadership role also includes:
  • A new approach called BRAVE on how to engage hearts and minds in the intended culture.
  • 100-Hour Action Plan for crisis situations.

Friday 20 March 2015

The Path From Your Beliefs To Your Destiny

I ran across this the other day and found it so compelling and powerful:

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become you values,
Your values become your destiny


Thursday 19 March 2015

What More Can I Say?

Dianna Booher's new book, What More Can I Say?, presents nine core principles of persuasive communication in an easy-to-read and easy-to-digest format that makes for a compelling read for anyone wanting to succeed in changing behavior or changing minds.

The nine core principles are:
  1. The Law of Trust vs. Distrust
  2. The Law of Collaboration vs. Monologue
  3. The Law of Simplicity vs. Complexity
  4. The Law of Tact vs. Insensitivity
  5. The Law of Potential vs. Achievement
  6. The Law of Distinction vs. Dilution
  7. The Law of Specialty vs. Generalization
  8. The Law of Emotion vs. Logic
  9. The Law of Perspective vs. Distortion
Booher draws on her decades of experience coaching and conducting workshops, and through the various Laws illustrates how messages can be delivered to:
  • Make a sale
  • Cement a relationship
  • Lead employees through a corporate restructuring
  • Inspire employees
  • Recruit top talent
  • and much more
The book includes plenty of real-world, use-tomorrow, examples. And, Booher sprinkles throughout the book many inspiring leadership and communication quotes. Booher has written 46 books.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Favorite Leadership Quotes From, The Five Levels Of Leadership

Here are some of my favorites quotes from John C. Maxwell's book, The 5 Levels of Leadership -- a book I believe should become a must-read for any workplace/organizational leader:
  1. Good leadership isn't about advancing yourself.  It's about advancing your team.
  2. Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.
  3. Leadership is action, not position.
  4. When people feel liked, cared for, included, valued, and trusted, they begin to work together with their leader and each other.
  5. If you have integrity with people, you develop trust.  The more trust you develop, the stronger the relationship becomes.  In times of difficulty, relationships are a shelter.  In times of opportunity, they are a launching pad.
  6. Good leaders must embrace both care and candor.
  7. People buy into the leader, then the vision.
  8. Bringing out the best in a person is often a catalyst for bringing out the best in the team.
  9. Progress comes only from taking risks and making mistakes.
  10. Leaders are measured by the caliber of leaders they develop, not the caliber of their own leadership.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

How To Practice SPARK Leadership

You practice SPARK leadership if you:
  • Share Information
  • Play to Strengths
  • Ask for Input and Appreciate Different Ideas
  • Recognize and Respond to Individual Needs
  • Keep Your Commitments
A great reminder from the President and CEO of American Management Association, Edward T. Reilly.  You'll find more good advice in his new book, AMA Business Boot Camp.

Terrific Leadership Quotes From The Book, Just Listen

Here are some terrific quotes from Mark Goulston's book, Just Listen:
  • Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. -- Paul Hawken
  • Life is mostly a matter of perception and more often misperception. -- Dave Logan
  • Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their next saying, "Make me feel important." -- Mary Kay Ash
  • Do the unexpected. The expected is boring.  The expected is tuned out. -- Steve Strauss
  • Humility is the surest sign of strength. -- Thomas Merton
  • Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. -- Bill Gates
  • The secret of getting ahead is getting started. -- Agatha Chrisie
  • Don't find fault.  Find a remedy. -- Henry Ford

Monday 16 March 2015

Why It's Important To Not Forget Your Middle-Layer Employees

As a leader, your focus may gravitate toward your lower level employees and your higher level employees on your team.

But, don't forget your middle-layer employees who appreciate your attention and coaching, and your training and opportunities for new challenges.

Often these employees are more eager to learn and to tackle new projects because they have the drive to move up and to learn new skills. And they recognize they have a shorter path to achieve advancement.

So, develop your middle layer employees. It's a win-win situation.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Fortune Highlights Core Value Statements That Inspire

Thanks to Holly Lebowitz Rossi for quoting me in her recent, 7 Core Value Statements That Inspire, article for Fortune.

Her article features:

  • Twitter
  • Build-A-Bear Workshop
  • Whole Foods Market
  • L.L. Bean
  • Zappos.com
  • Wegmans Food Markets
  • Bright Horizons Family Solutions

You Are An Open Leader If You...

Open Leadership author Charlene Li reminds leaders to periodically ask themselves these "open leadership skills assessment" questions:
  • Do I seek out and listen to different points of view?
  • Do I make myself available to people at all levels of the organization?
  • Do I actively manage how I am authentic?
  • Do I encourage people to share information?
  • Do I publicly admit when I am wrong?
  • Do I update people regularly?
  • Do I take the time to explain how decisions are being made?
Thanks for these great questions, Charlene!

Friday 13 March 2015

Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Inspirational leadership wisdom came awhile back from Bahram Akradi, the CEO of Life Time Fitness.

From that health club's monthly fitness magazine, Experience Life, Akradi says:

  • Once we get comfortable in our habitual patterns, we may fail to notice when they have outworn their useful purpose, or when new alternatives might serve us better.
  • Once you've encountered a second way of seeing things, you're more likely to entertain the possibility of a third and fourth way, too.
  • Do something that makes you just a little bit uncomfortable--and that renders you a little more awake.
Thanks Akradi for encouraging us to break out from predictability.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Stop Asking Your Customers These Five Questions

Consider this advice from author Paul R. Timm.  He recommends a different twist on asking your customers questions:
  • stop asking your customers the "typical" questions and instead ask them open-ended questions.
Here's specifically what Timm recommends:

Don't Ask:
  1. How was everything?
  2. Can I get you something else?
  3. Did you find everything you need?
  4. Will that be all?
  5. Was everything satisfactory?
Instead Ask:
  • What else can I do for you?
  • What else can I get for you?
  • What else can I help you with?
  • What else could we do to better serve you?
  • How else can we be of help?
These open-ended questions will let your customers really express their ideas, opinions and needs. Timm is the author of, 50 Powerful Ideas You Can Use To Keep Your Customers

Five Benefits Of Having An Ethical Culture

In Andrew Leigh's book, Ethical Leadership, he provides these compelling and important benefits of having an ethical culture in your business/organization:
  1. Customers prefer dealing with companies who put ethics at the center of their culture.
  2. Most employees would prefer to earn less working for an ethical company than being paid more and working for an unethical company.
  3. More than one in three people at work say they've left a job because they've disagreed with the company's ethical standards (Trevino, L and Nelson, K - 2011)
  4. If you adopt an early warning system against misconduct it reduces the risk of you facing expensive litigation.
  5. An ethical culture helps you make your company a strong affirming place to work in.
"The foundations of an ethical culture include values, attitudes, meaning, behaviors, purpose, and management practices," explains Leigh.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Seven Tips For Setting Goals

If you've had a lapse in maintaining your New Year's resolutions, it may be time to set a new goal for yourself.  Here are seven tips for goal setting from two-time U.S. Olympian Alan Culpepper (from the November 2013 issue of Competitor magazine).

Here are his seven tips for setting goals, whether are your workplace or away-from-work goals:
  1. Be clear and specific about what it is you are trying to accomplish.
  2. Set intermediate goals that complement a long-term goal.
  3. Shoot high, but recognize the importance of a natural progression.
  4. Write your goals down.
  5. Review your goals periodically.
  6. Remind yourself often why you are working on your goal.
  7. And, remember even if you don't hit your goal, there is satisfaction the process.

Six Questions To Ask During Every Project Review

Here is some great advice from the authors of, Helping People Win At Work. Those authors, Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge, recommend you ask the following six essential questions whenever you do a project review:
  1. What did we set out to do?
  2. What actually happened?
  3. Why did this happen?
  4. What will we do next time?
  5. What should we continue to do?
  6. What should we do differently?
Seems simple enough, but how often do we really take the time to step back and ask ALL six of these questions?
  • And, these questions are important to ask even if there was no mistakes made during the project.
Continually planning and executing without the value of a review can blindside you.

Get more great advice from their book.

Monday 9 March 2015

Before Making Your Next Presentation Do This

Author John Baldoni suggests you consider the following six things before making your next presentation:
  1. How will you open your presentation on a high note?
  2. Where might you pause for emphasis?
  3. How can you make time to rehearse your presentation?
  4. What are the high notes?  What are your points of emphasis?
  5. What points might you emphasize with a pause?
  6. How will you close your presentation?  Will you tell a story? Or, will you issue a call to action?
Baldoni offers many other tips in his book, The Leaders's Guide to Speaking with Presence.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Defining Your Legacy

I recommend that all leaders every so often read the What Will Matter poem by Michael Josephson.

It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unselfishly serving and leading with character.

I've highlighted in bold and in color my favorite parts of the poem:

Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end.

There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.
All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.

Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.
So too, your hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists will expire.
The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.
It won't matter where you came from or what side of the tracks you lived on at the end.

It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.
Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.

So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.

What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.

Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident.
It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.

Saturday 7 March 2015

How To Become A Stronger Career Mentor And Coach

Author Paul Falcone offers the following great advice for how to become a stronger career mentor and coach by helping your subordinates grow and develop in their own careers.
  • Encourage others to engage in random acts of kindness.
  • Find creative ways of surprising your customers.
  • Focus on making bad relationships good and good relationships better.
  • Look for new ways of reinventing the workflow in light of your company's changing needs.
  • Think relationship first, transaction second.
  • Realize that people can tell more about you by the depth of your questions than by the quality of your statements.
  • Separate the people from the problem.
  • Always provide two solutions for each question you ask or suggestion you raise.
  • Employ right-brain imagination, artistry, and intuition plus left-brain logic and planning.
And, one of my favorite pieces of advice from Falcone:
  • Convert "yes...but:" to "yes...and" statements to acknowledge the speaker's point of view and to share additional insights.

Six Maxims For Leadership

I so appreciate this advice from William Arthur Ward, one of America's most quoted writers of inspirational maxims:
  • Do more than belong: participate.
  • Do more than care: help.
  • Do more than believe: practice.
  • Do more than be fair:  be kind.
  • Do more than forgive: forget.
  • Do more than dream: work.

Thursday 5 March 2015

How To Build Trust

You can't lead if your employees, team or followers don't trust you.

Building trust takes energy, effort and constant attention to how you act.

To help build trust, follow these 16 tips, recommended by author Susan H. Shearouse:
  1. Be honest
  2. Keep commitments and keep your word
  3. Avoid surprises
  4. Be consistent with your mood
  5. Be your best
  6. Demonstrate respect
  7. Listen
  8. Communicate
  9. Speak with a positive intent
  10. Admit mistakes
  11. Be willing to hear feedback
  12. Maintain confidences
  13. Get to know others
  14. Practice empathy
  15. Seek input from others
  16. Say "thank you"T

Embrace Change To Grow

Change is inevitable. Change is good.  Help your employees and team learn to embrace change.

Here are some solid insights from Dr. Rodger Dean Duncan's (Liberty, Missouri) book, Change-friendly Leadership -- How to Transform Good Intentions into  Great Performance:

  • The kind of behavior change that results in lasting (sustainable) change must accommodate people's feelings--feelings that involve trust, confidence, passion, and all those other intangible but very real things that make us human.
  • It's often the stress that people resist, not the change itself.
  • Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights (Pauline R. Kezer).
  • A transformational leader focuses primarily on initiating and "managing" change.  He/she influences people to improve, to stretch, and to redefine what's possible.
  • It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change (Charles Darwin).
  • Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Today's Leadership Thought

Top 10 Barriers Communicators Face

The person I turn to for effective communication advice, David Grossman, released last fall an eBook called, Top 10 Barriers Communicators Face:  How to Get Your Leader on Board with Internal Communication.

"Today, the savviest executives are realizing the power and potential of communication to drive results.  Smart leaders know they need to connect the dots differently than before," explains David.

  • This free eBook helps communication professionals recognize the 10 most common barriers to effective communication that leaders construct

It reveals what communicators can say to their leaders to help guide their thinking and offers a host of actionable tips for moving leaders past these barriers, including what to say and what to do.

The ebook teaches how to break barriers from leaders who are:
  • Scattered; communicate reactively
  • Trapped in the tactical
  • Not engaged in communication planning
  • Don’t value communication
  • Providing you limited access to him or her
Thanks David, for another great resource.