Wednesday 30 June 2010

All things technology

Welcome to the June 23, 2010 edition of computing technology.

Jennifer Lynch presents 60 Awesome Search Engines for Serious Writers posted at

Jena Ellis presents 10 Things to Learn in a Project Management Certificate Program posted at Online Certificate Programs.

Ariana Burgess presents New ActiveAgents for Windows and Mac make Napera Insight deployment even easier posted at Napera.

Mike Fitterer presents Changing the way the World Thinks About eSignature Services: Document Markup posted at DocuSign Blog.

Ariana Burgess presents Introducing the Evri Cocoa API posted at Evri Blog.

Jennifer Saksa presents Naming New Software Programs posted at NCH Software Blog.

That concludes this edition.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of computing technology using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Sunday 20 June 2010

All Things Technology Blog Carnival - 20, June 2010

Welcome to the June 20, 2010 edition of computing technology.

Katie Gilbert presents Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You: 10 Things To Know About Robot Teachers posted at Best Colleges Online.

Heather Sanders presents 21 Infographics Every Computer Nerd Must See posted at Masters in Computer Science, saying, "Computers have become the lifeblood of our society. To that end, here are 21 infographics that any computer nerd can appreciate."

Canika Jackson presents 10 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Politics Junkies posted at Master of Public Administration, saying, "If you follow politics a little, or a lot, Twitter is the place to immediately gratify your desire to know what’s happening in the White House and outside of it."

nissim ziv presents Project Manager: Roles and Responsibilities posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, "The article provides general job description for senior project managers and discusses the responsibilities and requirements for project management positions.

This article can be applied for any organizational roles such as – product mangers, program managers, project leaders and IT managers."

AndrosenDsouza presents 10 Awesome Android Apps for Nurses posted at RN To MSN Programs, saying, "Your android phone puts all kinds of medical information at your fingertips, which not only helps you, but can help your patients also. These 10 Android apps allow you to access the latest medical research and diagnostic tools in seconds."

Brenda Harris presents 50 Free Resources for Controlling Your Online Reputation posted at Associate Degree Online, saying, "Now employers and universities can simply Google a name to see if the applicant is the right fit for them based on the things they do on the job and off. You never want to risk an opportunity thanks to your online reputation, so keep it in check with free resources that will make you look good on the web."

Victoria Kennedy presents Open Courseware & Public Domain Books on the iPad ? The Ultimate Guide posted at Masters Degrees, saying, "The iPad has an optional iBooks application that can be downloaded from the App Store, which displays books and other ePub-format content downloaded from the iBookstore. But, how does the iPad fare in the e-book department, and is it friendly to open courseware and public domain books?"

stanya16 presents 10 Killer Online Tools for Web Designers posted at Web Design Colleges, saying, "Web design has never been easier. Sure, knowing HTML helps, but with these 10 killer online tools for Web designers, anyone can get in on the fun – and take a few shortcuts."

Ariana Burgess presents Archive - Microsoft - Napera posted at Napera.

Mike Fitterer presents eSignature to Save Equity Residential Six Million Sheets of Paper Annually posted at DocuSign Blog.

Ariana Burgess presents Evri Blog posted at Evri Blog.

Leonard Gilhooley x presents 5 Excellent iPad Apps for ?Dr. Mom? posted at CNA Class Online, saying, "Apps that range from helpful reminders of health appointments to apps that can diagnose common ailments mean that Mom has an entire arsenal of medical knowledge at her fingertips."

Tom Tessin presents Top Android Apps for College Students posted at FCC Student Blog, saying, "The top Android applications that every student should consider when it comes to helping them with school."

Larry Brown presents Optimization part 1 posted at Computer Guides.

Case Ernsting presents The Office: A Study in Social Media Success posted at MetaSpring Blog, saying, "Getting started with internet marketing and social media is a complicated process. But have no fear! There are many examples to follow including The Office, Sharpie and a t-shirt company."

Wise Bread presents Make Money Online With Free Videos posted at Wisebread.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of

computing technology using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our  blog carnival index page.

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Thursday 10 June 2010

Knowledge Management, Decision Support Systems and Competitive Advantage

In today’s competitive business environment it is of vital importance for organisations to achieve competitive advantage. Without it, companies will not be able to operate and will eventually cease to exist. One of the ways in which organisations can position themselves to gain competitive advantage is through a strategic approach towards knowledge management and supporting disciplines.

Many organisations are becoming more alert to the significance of knowledge for efficiency and competitiveness. The main reason for this is the idea that knowledge management, and its applications, are the means by which creativity can be promoted, innovation facilitated and competencies applied in such a way as to advance the organisations and position them ahead of the competition.

An effective knowledge management strategy encourages individuals to communicate their knowledge by creating environments and systems for capturing, organising and sharing knowledge throughout an organisation. The purpose of knowledge management, thus, is to leverage an organisation’s intellectual assets in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage.

There are two kinds of knowledge, explicit and tacit. Explicit knowledge can be expressed in words, numbers, universal principals and so forth. It can be readily transmitted across individuals. Tacit knowledge however is highly personal and hard to formalise which in turn makes it difficult to share with others

In order for knowledge management practices to be effective it needs to take into consideration both types of knowledge. The management of tacit knowledge has more challenges than explicit knowledge; nevertheless tacit knowledge has the potential to generate greater advantages to organisations as it is unique and difficult to copy.

An organisation can achieve competitive advantage by differentiating itself from competitors and new market entrants. Intangible resources, such as tacit knowledge, are more likely to generate competitive advantage due to the fact that intangible resources are hard to copy.

As with any other business initiative, knowledge management needs to be endorsed by senior managers therefore it needs to be part of the strategic planning process of the organisation. An integrated strategic approach will ensure that the topic always has the visibility of top management and is always at the top of their agenda.

Once senior managers decide to implement knowledge management as a means to achieve competitive advantage, they need to take careful consideration as to how that strategy will be implemented. Organisations need to put practices into place that encourage the sharing of tacit knowledge. This knowledge not only needs to be captured but also shared amongst members of the organisation.

one of the barriers that organisations may face when considering knowledge management strategies is the inability to understand the impact of knowledge initiatives on business performance. It is important for organisations to appreciate and embrace the added value generated by Knowledge Management initiatives. This lack of understanding makes it difficult to justify and implement knowledge management strategies.

Implementing Knowledge Management

A few strategies to implement knowledge management have been devised including knowledge management score cards and knowledge management SWOT analysis. Any knowledge management strategies need to be implemented by directly relating it to real life work. If employees are not able to directly link knowledge management tasks with their daily tasks then knowledge management initiatives will become dull and individuals will not be encourage to positively participate in the new initiative.

It is also important to consider how computer systems can support the implementation of a knowledge management strategy.

A prerequisite to implement a knowledge management strategy is to understand and develop the infrastructure elements required to support the acquisition, management and transfer of tacit and explicit organisational knowledge.

As mentioned above, knowledge needs to be acquired, managed and transferred. Information systems can be used to support this process by implementing decision support systems (DSS). The purpose of such systems is to centralise data into a data warehouse and provide users with the ability to retrieve it and analyse it. The vast amount of data is given context and turned into powerful information which can be used to gain advantage over competitors.

Data Warehouses centralise information from various sources such as billing, customer relationship and document management systems. A strategy can be put into place to encourage employees to enter tangible and intangible information, which is ingrained in their brains (tacit knowledge), into a knowledge bank which is then transferred into the data warehouse and available to all employees of the organisation.

The Role of Strategic Human Resources Management in Knowledge Management

Organisations are composed of individuals who work collectively to achieve a set goal. It is therefore important to consider the fundamental centrality of human and social factors in shaping the attitudes of workers towards knowledge-sharing initiatives. There is significant potential for Human Resources Management analysts and practitioners to make a valuable contribution towards the development of knowledge and to play a central role in organisational knowledge management initiatives.

It is important to note that If HRM is about managing people effectively and if people’s most valuable resource is knowledge, then HRM and KM are closely interrelated. With this in mind it is important to consider that the knowledge acquisition aspect of knowledge management is about recruiting outstanding people and about helping them learn and grow as individuals and professionals. It is also about encouraging employees to participate in professional networks and communities of practice that extend beyond organisational boundaries. Knowledge creation is achieved by creating a supportive environment, through requisite HRM, for individuals, groups and teams in order to be challenged by the organisational problems, to search for the problems’ solutions and to innovate. Human Resources influence in knowledge management goes from the creation of positions and teams, to the provision of information feedback flows, to the design of stimulating remuneration and other systems of encouragement. It includes also investment in the training and development of human resources.


Knowledge Management is about leveraging organisations' intellectual resources in order to achieve and sustain competitive advantage.

In order for an organisation to achieve competitive advantage, it needs to differentiate itself from the competition. One way of achieving this differentiation is through investing in people and their knowledge. These are intangible assets which are impossible to copy and therefore offer the potential to differentiate an organisation from its competition.

Decision Supporting Systems, Data Warehouses and Human Resources Management play a vital role in the knowledge management process by providing recruiting the right people to the right job and by enabling the knowledge management process through information technology that support knowledge acquisition, sharing and, most importantly, the application of knowledge to support organisations to achieve competitive advantage.


Alhawary, F. A., & Al-Zegaier, H. (2009). The Successful Implementation of Knowledge Management Processes: The Role of Human Resources Systems "An Empirical Study in the Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Companies". Journal of Information & Knowledge Management , 159-173.

Halawi, L. A., Aronson, J. E., & McCarthy, R. V. (2005). Resource-Based View of Knowlegde Management for Competitive Advantage. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management , 75-86.

Hamza, S. E. (2009). Capturing Tacit Knowledge from Transient Workers: Improving the Organisational Competitiveness. International Journal of Knowledge Management .

Ibrahim, F., Edgar, D., & Reid, V. (2009). Assessing the Role of Knowledge Management in Adding Value: Moving Towards a Comprehensive Framework. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management , 275 - 286.

Smith, P. A. (1998). Systemic Knowledge Management: Managing Organisational Assets for Competitive Advantage. Journal of Systemic Knowledge Management .

Srinivas, H. (2009, December). Types of Knowledge. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from The Global Development Research Centre:

Sunday 6 June 2010

All things software BlogCarnival

Welcome to the June 6, 2010 edition of "All things software".

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Patently Evil? (Litigation Limerick) posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.

EDUmobile.ORG presents Ipad Development posted at iPad Programming and iPad Development Tutorials Online, saying, "Learn how to master iPad development and tap into this hot new niche. Start writing Apps for the iPad and iPhone just like the gurus. If you have an idea that you think is unique - there is no better time to make good money with your idea for the iPad and iPhone. EDUmobile has over 200 students in training and they offer a free downloadable ebook and one-on-one training sessions, with a full money back guarantee."

Tela Andrews presents Building a VMware Cost Model posted at Digital Fuel - Yisrael's Blog, saying, "Managing the costs of cloud service providers is challenging. While cloud computing and virtual servers offer flexibility, how do you manage the costs so you know whether its the least expensive option? In this entry we take a look at how to build a cost model for VMware and the benefits this approach can provide for CIOs, IT managers and company owners."

Sheryl Owen presents Change of Address: Mail Delivery Times and Realistic Expectations posted at Change of Address.

Simple Llama presents Specs Don’t Matter posted at Simple Llama.

John Andersen presents 5 Minute AS400 Tutorial posted at AS400 Tutorials.

Jennifer Saksa presents Hello World! posted at NCH Software Blog, saying, "One software developer compares programing and trying to make user-friendly software to the "guest experience" in the restaurant industry and really taking the time to think about all of the little details and listen to customer feedback to help improve the entire process."

sharons719 presents 50 “Healthy” Ways to Use Twitter posted at Masters in Public Health, saying, "Here's a list that offers 50 healthy ways to use Twitter with links to the actual resources so you can begin immediately to prove Twitter’s worth as an effective tool in your life."

Case Ernsting presents The Panel Agrees: SEO & SEM Are Growing posted at MetaSpring Blog, saying, "The tech industry is booming all over the nation, especially in college campus communities. For those looking to join an expanding and exciting industry, look no further than search engine optimization and search engine marketing."

Matthew Paulson presents Verizon is Not Getting the iPhone in 2010, Executive Confirms posted at iPad Weekly.

Beth Ziesenis presents F.lux: Control Your Computer’s Inner Glow posted at Cheapskate Freelancer, saying, "Thumbnail of F.lux to help control the light of the computer to mimic the light outside according to the time of day which relieves your tired eyes. This is great for people who are using their computer for hours at a time."

matt presents Invasion of Privacy. | Attack Vector posted at Attack Vector, saying, "Incredible article detailing the steps used by an attacker when they steal someones identity. A MUST read for anyone concerned about their identity and internet privacy."

nissim ziv presents Project Manager: Roles and Responsibilities posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, "The primary challenge of the managing a project is to achieve all of the project goals while considering the predefined three project constraints – the scope, the time, and the budget."

Marco presents OpenGL glBlendFunc tools — gabriev82 posted at

Elyse Nielsen presents Qualities of a Project Sponsor posted at Anticlue, saying, "Most projects are about implementing some type of change. This change will need to be adopted by the organization in order to be a success. Changes are often lead by Change Leaders and the skill set to make a change stick are among the softer skills of a project sponsor. We have all experienced good sponsorship and sponsorship which needed improvement. Matching the project sponsor to the project manager and the project is crucial for the project's success."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of computing technology using our
 carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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